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Showing posts from January, 2024


As humans, it is unarguable that we are the most developed and dominant species the world has ever seen. Humans have created cultures and societies that have evolved over millions of years that has eventually enhanced the level of sophistication of modern humans. With our advanced technology, language, social and problem-solving skills, we have manipulated our world in ways that no other organism has ever done. In terms of numbers, there are organisms that are significantly more numerous, cover most of the earth’s surface and make up most of its ecosystem than humans. According to scientists from the University of Georgia, the estimated number of bacteria on our planet is five million trillion trillion. There are far more bacteria on earth than there are stars in the universe. In fact, a million bacteria can fit on the tip of a pin, an incredibly large number. However, humans have evolved to possess abilities that enabled them to manipulate and control the behaviours and lifestyles of


D oes S ize R eally M atter? Over the centuries, there have been several debates and research papers on the topic "bigger is better". It's absolutely undeniable that size has been a very attractive concept in areas of intimacy. Women with huge rounded hips and breasts are greatly desired by most men. Equally, men with longer and bigger manhood with amazing body mass are incredibly attractive to most women. When asked whether size really matters, statistics show that both genders agree that it matters. It does seem that size really matters when it comes to muscle mass. However, could this be true for the human brain? Does big brain mean more intelligence or does it just mean a big head? in order to understand this, let's dive deep into the structures and compositions of the human brain as well as the significant interconnections that exist between those complex structures and how well they are related to each other. a man with small brain vs a man with bigger brain, AI